below is from the CERA website

CERA has been disestablished

This page directs you to the agencies to contact for information and assistance on the regeneration of greater Christchurch, along with some useful contacts.

The Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA) was established as a government department on 29 March 2011 to lead and coordinate the Government’s response and recovery efforts following the earthquakes of 2010 and 2011 in Canterbury.

CERA was disestablished on 18 April 2016 as the Government transitions from leading the recovery, to establishing long-term, locally-led recovery and regeneration arrangements.

Some of CERA’s functions have wound down, and other responsibilities are now carried out by these central and local government agencies:

  • The Ministry of Health and Canterbury District Health Board have responsibility for continuing to provide support and services via the Community in Mind Strategy and Shared Programme of Action and monitoring and reporting on community wellbeing, including the delivery of the Community Wellbeing Index and Wellbeing Survey (see useful contacts for information on who to contact for immediate wellbeing support).
  • Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) has responsibility for the completing demolitions and land clearances (mainly in the Port Hills) and interim land management in the residential red zones.
  • The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) is responsible for supporting the remaining residential rebuild and monitoring the public sector rebuild.
  • Ōtākaro Limited is responsible for key anchor projects and precincts in Christchurch, along with managing the Crown’s property assets in the central city.
  • Regenerate Christchurch is overseeing the long-term development and enhancement of the Central City, residential red zone, New Brighton and other potential regeneration zones.
  • The Greater Christchurch Group in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet is responsible for policy, planning, legal and monitoring support on a range of recovery and regeneration issues across the greater Christchurch region.

For an archive of CERA related documents, please visit

Useful contacts

Canterbury Support Line

  • 0800 777 846

Earthquake Support Coordination and Counselling

  • 0800 777 846

Residential Advisory Service

Canterbury Earthquake Temporary Accommodation Service

EQC (Earthquake Commission)

Christchurch City Council

SCIRT (Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team)

  • 03 941 8999

Waimakariri District Council

Selwyn District Council

Environment Canterbury