Insurance and Covid 19.
Since 30 January 2020 Covid 19 (coronavirus disease 2019) has been a notifiable disease under the Health Act 1956. On 11 March 2020 the WHO declared it an official pandemic.
General Insurance
House, contents and motor insurance and not affected by covid 19.
Travel Insurance
Most travel insurance policies have exclusions for outbreaks of pandemics, epidemics and/or
known events that could lead to a claim.
Policies purchased prior to covid 19 becoming a known event may cover travellers who are
overseas for covid 19-related expenses. This will depend on the travel insurance product
Travel insurance policies purchased after covid 19 became a known event are unlikely to
cover travellers who are overseas or who are yet to travel for coronavirus-related expenses.
Travel insurers may offer refunds for unused policies.
Material Damage
A material damage policy provides cover for unintended and unforeseen physical loss or physical
damage to insured property. Proving physical damage by covid 19 may not be easy, but it is
arguable that loss of use is physical damage. An extension for damage by civil authority may also
apply. Many policies may contain an exclusion for loss or damage in connection with a notifiable
Business Interruption
Business interruption (BI) indemnifies the insured for loss resulting from interruption to or
interference with the insured’s business. Cover starts from when trading is halted/affected, not
from the date of damage. There is generally a pre-requisite that the insured property has suffered
physical damage. Some BI risks are independent of physical damage such as risk of business closure
by weather, loss of access, State intervention, or the outbreak of disease. Each policy is different so
requires close analysis.