After the extreme weather events in 2023 the Auckland Council established a process for categorising properties for eligibility to council compensation/buy outs. It is a voluntary process where homeowners must complete a registration form by 30 September 2024. It appears that process is slow. Here is the 9 may 2024 Council update. A total of 1307 homes have received a final property categorisation with 405 classed as Category 3 and eligible for a buy-out (as of 9 May). 210 Category 3 homeowners had received or accepted a buy-out offer, and 63 properties had completed their sale and purchase agreements (as of 3 May). Overall, 2812 property owners have registered for the categorisation scheme out of 7389 known impacted properties (as of 3 May). If homeowners are dissatisfied with the categorisation process/outcome they can apply to the council to review it. Then there is always judicial review by the High Court.

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