In BC 74246 v QBE Insurance (International) Ltd & Allianz Australia Insurance Ltd [2017] NZHC 1473 the High Court (Whata J) resolved a dispute between QBE and Allianz about who was liable for the 4 September 2010 earthquake where the relevant QBE insurance policy expired at 4pm on 4 September 2010, but there was also an Allianz policy for the same property that stated the period of insurance “effective date” 4 September 2010 and expiry date of 4pm on 4 September 2010. The 4 September 2010 earthquake occurred at 4.35am. QBE asked the Court to order Allianz to be equally liable on the basis that the Allianz policy commenced at 12am on 4 September 2010. The Court dismissed the QBE claim because the clear intention was that the Allianz policy commence when the QBE policy expired at 4pm. It was to be seamless cover. The Court implied the 4pm commencement as a term and also said that the objective interpretation of the policy was that it was to commence at 4pm.
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